We are super excited to announce that Rob Williams will be going on the team for the 2020 season. Rob basis himself in the South of Wales with some of the best riding in the Uk Literally on the hill behind his house. Here is what he had to say for himself when we had a chat over a Cup of Tea and a cheeky Donut. 

Name – Rob Williams

Age - 29

Ice Breaker! Describe yourself in 3 words  Like a Hobbit

What’s your secret hobby/passion away from the bike?  I used to fish quite a bit,  but at the moment cycling is my life 

What is your earliest cycling memory? Making ramps out of bricks and wood 

How did you get into riding? started on motorbikes when I was young, but there was a really good mtb riding scene in south wales, I started riding the local dirt jumps and that was it.  

First bike & favorite bike?  Raleigh max, my favorite is my current bike NS define.

If you could ride 1 trail for the rest of your life, what would it be?  I fell in love with a trail in Samones this year so probably that, can't remember the name sadly. 


So many riders these days are turning their backs on racing and finding new and exciting ways to express themselves and their sponsors on the bike via social media. How has your perception of riding and racing changed, if at all, as the years have gone by?

For me it hasn't changed much I'm enjoying riding and have a hunger for racing more than ever. I guess with social media there is a bit more pressure to be successful on it because it’s a big part of sponsorship now, probably why lots of riders are focusing on it.  Also racing is tough takes over your life if you want to be competitive, I love riding and training and racing, so I can’t see me focusing on just social media just yet. 

What are your thoughts on the progression/current situation of women’s riding and racing? What key things do you think we could all be doing to improve it?  

I think it’s pretty healthy I've seen more girls riding and racing in recent years. I think some girls are missing out on support because they are not killing it on social media even though they are talented athletes, so a bit more balance there would be good.  Possibly more women-only races would help get more girls into the sport. 

If you could have anyone’s riding style, who's would it be?  Always going to be Sam Hill the man is a living legend. 

Which events are you most excited about racing or attending next year? All the EWS rounds, I’m going to be trying some gravel racing as well I'm keen to see how that goes. 

Apart from MTB what else makes you tick? Just generally being active and outdoors.

What are your goals for next year?  I feel I have a lot to prove to myself with racing, I would love to get back up to top 30 EWS pace. 

So what has made you decide to run a mullet set up next year? 

It just works really well for me, loads of grip and less arm pump with the big front wheel, more clearance over the back. Also, I like the way it leans in corners I'm thinking its something to do with much less bb drop with a 27.5 rear.  

What has been your worst crash over the years? I broke my wrist elbow and ruptured my small intestines along with a serve concussion when I was 17.  

What made you swap from DH to Enduro?  Enduro is kind of what I've always done living in south wales, just didn't call it that.  Just much prefer the style of track you race in enduro always different some are 2min some over 20, I don't see me ever getting bored of enduro riding.  

If you weren’t a pro mountain biker, what would you be doing?  I would like to go into mtb fitness training,  I probably could have made a good horse jockey if that failed.  

If we made you leave your little Welsh Village where would you like to live? It would probably Portugal, great riding, better weather, and a pretty chilled lifestyle. 


I hope you guys enjoyed what Rob had to say and we thank him very much for his time. We cant wait to see how he gets on this year. Make sure you follow him on his Instagram @rob_williamsmtb.

January 09, 2020