Cycling to Eurobike

Hunt Wheels brand ambassador Hamish Paine recently cycled across Europe with Hunt Wheels brand manager Josh Ibbett. See how he got on in his video of the trip and read...

Transcontinental Race 2015: Josh Ibbett 's race summary pt 2

I could sense them watching me, I was surrounded in the dark and I lay dead still frozen with fear for what seemed like hours. Then they came for me....

Transcontinental Race 2015: Josh Ibbett 's race summary pt1

Thwack! I didn’t see it coming until it was too late and now it was spiraling towards the ground in a cloud of feathers. This was not the start to...

Transcontinental Race : An overview of Josh Ibbett 's race winning bike setup

HuntBikeWheels brand manager Josh Ibbett has recently won the 2600mile TransContinetal race, an unsupported race from Gerradsbergen in Belgium to Istanbul in Turkey. In the following article Josh runs through...

Josh Ibbett Wins Trans Continental 2015 Race: 4239km in 9 days // 23 hours // 54 minutes.

After watching the dots every 5 minutes for most of yesterday Josh's kms to the Istanbul finish were dropping nicely. However, we were all aware that Josh really wanted to...

Trans Continental Bike Race - Five days in (now with Day 10 Update) and the Chase is on! We're addicted.

It's day 5 (with day 10 update see end of page) and the leading riders are nearing the halfway point in Transcontinental 2015, and so far it's been a thrilling race....

Josh Ibbett - Cycling to Lands End (and back): a weekend away

My name is Josh and I like bike riding. That’s pretty much what I said in my job interview for Hunt Bike wheels. I did already know Tom (he used...

Hunt x Mason: A collaboration

Hunt wheels and Mason cycles share many similarities. Both are young companies, both are Sussex based and both strive to produce performance products with the focus of our efforts on you...