Looking Positive | Trail Centres Re-Opening

As most of you probably have we have been really enjoying the local tracks and trails we have around HUNT HQ and I hope you are all safe and well in these tough times. But the recent announcement from the Government does give us a bit more freedom on what we can ride and the opening of some trail centres means that we can travel a bit further afield in search of big hardpacked berms and perfectly sculptured Tabletops. Not that there is anything wrong with a nest of off-camber roots and a big rut. This is still very early doors and it will still be a while until the likes of Revs and BPW will be opening again with an uplift service but every little help’s.  

Does this mean the end may be in sight? The new COVID Guidelines now coming into effect in the UK allow unlimited travel in Scotland and Wales. Hunt team rider Jamie Edmondson is lucky enough to have such a trail centre on his doorstep that his Parents run. The Glenlivet Mountain Bike Trail Centre will be opening from this weekend with its new Orange flow/jump trail and with a Takeaway service from the Cafe. Definitely, worth a trip we would say. Have a look through the images above and bellow and see what you think?

All photos by: Paul Masson / @aviemoron

Jamie showing the young rippers the lines.

Jamie's wheels of choice for his Nukeproof Mega 29 are our Enduro Wide MTB. Grab a set below.

Sold out

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July 01, 2020
Tags: Our Stories