Hunt Beyond:
Justinas Leveika

Name: Justinas Leveika

Hometown: Tolga, Norway

Which bikes and HUNT wheels do you ride? HUNT Search Dynamo MTB

Favourite riding experience to date? My first win in Rwanda 2022.

What are your plans for 2024? Lots of events including Atlas Mountain Race, Desertus Bikus, Montane Lapland Artica Ultra, Tour Divide and more.

What does riding or Ultra-racing mean to you? Expanding boundaries, overcoming challenges, exploring new places.

Favourite ride snack: Homemade rocket fuel muesli bars - I don't have a recipe as they're always changing

Soundtrack to your ride: A mix of everything, but my most played is the Alternative 00's playlist by Spotify.

Name: Justinas Leveika

Hometown: Tolga, Norway

Which bikes and HUNT wheels do you ride? HUNT Search Dynamo MTB

Favourite riding experience to date? My first win in Rwanda 2022.

What are your plans for 2024? Lots of events including Atlas Mountain Race, Desertus Bikus, Montane Lapland Artica Ultra, Tour Divide and more.

What does riding or Ultra-racing mean to you? Expanding boundaries, overcoming challenges, exploring new places.

Favourite ride snack: Homemade rocket fuel muesli bars - I don't have a recipe as they're always changing

Soundtrack to your ride: A mix of everything, but my most played is the Alternative 00's playlist by Spotify.

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