Soma 1

San Fransisco based, Soma Fabrications, get it right. The Wolverine crossed our paths when at Eurobike this year. It was certainly an eye catcher with those bars! Set up with SuperDura Dynamo Disc wheels, we finally managed to get our hands on a few professionally shot photos from the kind people over at Traffic Distribution (Soma's German distributor).

Soma 3

What is not to like? this has everything you would want on an adventure bike. It's slightly quirky but maintains a strong sense of practicality which is vital when you are in the middle of no where. 

Soma 4
We especially love the clean dynamo power plug set up and before you ask they are Soma's very own Gator handlebar.

Soma 2

Ride On!

Soma 6

Soma 5

December 04, 2017
Tags: Our Stories