We first came across Gustav after watching a self made film of him riding 2000km over Scandinavia. As a lover of all things adventurous, Gustav spends a lot of his time exploring on and off the bike. His social media (Instagram) is filled of his expeditions on and off the bike and are beautifully shot. 

Between adventures we managed to catch Gustav for the dreaded On The Drops Interview and find out more about what keeps this crazy Dane going!


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Gustav Thuesen




Born and Bred:  

Denmark - forever flat and windy. 


Ice breaker – describe yourself in three words.  

Catch me outdoors.  


Cheers for taking the time to speak with us today. Firstly, tell us about the journey you undertook in the video. What motivated that ride?

No problem, it's pleasure talking to you. I’m currently working on a photographic project documenting extreme points of countries e.g. the southernmost point of Sweden. I’ve always wanted to do a longer bike trip and thought I could combine the two. First, I thought of just riding from the southernmost point to the westernmost point of mainland Sweden but then there wasn’t that long to the southernmost point of Norway and from there, there wasn’t that long to the westernmost point of mainland Norway. Suddenly it all added up to about 2000k.  


Any big/standout highlights for you? 

There were a few moments of pure bliss on the bike. The landscape was stunning, the legs felt great, the sun was out and I could do whatever I wanted to - total freedom.  


And any low points?

The further west I got the worse the weather. The last week everything was either wet or damp. Cold and wet socks are dreadful. I am still grateful for putting on a dry pair of socks in the morning. Luckily, I didn’t have any crashes or other major accidents.   


What was your most used bit of kit?

Hmm, that would probably be my shoes. I only brought one pair of mountain bike SPD shoes which were on my feet whenever I wasn’t sleeping. 


(Have a packlist here: http://gustavthuesen.com/blog/bikepacking-scandinavia-gear-list )


Gustav 2

And your least?

I had a bunch of spares e.g. tubes, spokes, brake pads but had zero(!) punctures or other mechanicals so those things were just in the bag but wouldn’t have gone without. I was traveling with a minimal kit so all items had to have a purpose.    


What’s your cycling story? When did it all start and why?

It all started when my dad learned me to ride on the dirt road next to our home in the country side. This opened a new world to me. Being able to go further and faster I began to explore my surroundings - into the forest mainly. I was hooked on the speed and the freedom the bike gave me and those are the same things that make me love cycling today.  


First & favourite bike you owned?

My first bike was one my dad had brought home from the recycling center. He gave the chain a splash of oil and adjusted the brakes and I was good to go. My favorite bike was probably my second bike - which was also from the recycling center, if I remember correctly. It was black and yellow and I kept riding it until I was way too big for it. I loved that bike - it was really good at making killer skid marks.   


Shimano, SRAM, or Campagnolo?

Don’t care. As long as it works. 


Mathieu or Wout? 

To be honest I don't really know that much about cross, so I don’t feel like I can give proper answer. But whoever has the most panache.  


What grinds your gears?

I guess curiosity is my fuel. I’m extremely curious. I can’t pass a hill without wondering how it looks on the other side. I’m curious on landscapes, on nature, on people, on biochemistry and on blockchain technology. Everything. This curiosity often brings me on adventures - whether in my backyard or on another continent. If I can inspire others to get out and explore the world through my adventures and the photos and videos I create then I’m really happy.     


We like to end with a crash story… What was your biggest cycling accident/crash, and how much stuff did you break? 

Last summer I rode from the northernmost point to the westernmost point of Denmark. I was almost at the westernmost point. It was getting late in the evening but still light due to the bright summer nights. I had been in the saddle for about 12 hours that day so I was tired. I rode through a military exercise area with "explosion danger" and "stay on the road" signs. The road was the worst imaginable - washboard dirt road where heavy military vehicles had created potholes the size of pools. An important detail was I was riding a road bike with 25c tires. Of course, I had to film this - while I was riding one-handedly. I filmed for about 2 seconds and then something grab my front wheel and I smashed into the dirt. My hip and both my knees where beaten. After swearing for some time, I brushed of the dirt and snailed my way to the westernmost point. At about 10 pm I got dinner. I was beaten physically and mentally. The next day I rode to the nearest town and got on a train home as I could only spin the lowest gear somewhat painlessly. To this day my right hip feels a bit sensitive sometimes. I didn’t break any gear, just myself.   

Thanks Gustav! 

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December 04, 2017