Canyon Eisberg 1

It is not often you get to meet some of the best rider’s the UK has to offer… and it’s even better when you get to ride with the entire Canyon Eisberg squad. Last week the HUNT team was lucky enough to do just that, and head out into the Hampshire and West Sussex countryside for a 115km jaunt. We would be kidding ourselves if we were to say that there was no wheel-sucking! Regardless, the HUNT team proved strong to launch multiple attacks… off the back…

It was great to see firsthand how strong these riders are and knowing that they push their wheels to the limits in training and racing. Many of us will never touch a UCI categorised race, but seeing Canyon Eisberg ride drives us to develop wheels which won't let you down when performance matters.

This started the Canyon Experience weekend, where the team’s official presentation was held at Mercedes Benz World in Weybridge. Numerous cycling and television presenters, including Ned Boulting, were present to make sure the boys were kept on their toes. Cycling legend, Erik Zabel, and Aussie road racer Tiffany Cromwell, both made guest appearances among a plethora of famous names and faces.

The team will now turn their attention to the UCI 1.2 Volta Limburg Classic in Eijsden, Holland this coming weekend. The weekend will certainly prove to be a challenge, not only due to the 200km distance and typically Dutch riding conditions, but also in virtue of the pedigree this race attracts. Allez!


See below for the ride gallery!
Canyon Eisberg 2
Team Photo #1: Who Pulled it off better?
Canyon Eisberg 3
Team Photo #2: Who Pulled it off better?
Canyon Eisberg 7
Dan's ride typically involve a pub rather than a finish line... 
Canyon Eisberg 4
A picture tells a 100s words... or three... "we got dropped."
Canyon Eisberg 5
Canyon Eisberg 6
The Canyon Eisberg team car turned a few heads!
Canyon Eisberg 2
Lowsley-Williams off on the attack... again.
Still, smiles all round!
Photo credit: Hugh McManus
March 27, 2018
Tags: Road/CX