VIDEO: The Dirty Reiver with Gosse Van Der Meer

VIDEO: The Dirty Reiver with Gosse Van Der Meer

Watch Gosse Van Der Meer take on the longest race of his life in this fantastic video from Bombtrack following the 200km Dirty Reiver Gravel Race.
Josh Ibbett rides the Tour Divide

Josh Ibbett rides the Tour Divide

The Tour Divide was the original Bikepacking race, a 2700mile off road ride down the length of America. Josh Ibbett, Hunt Beyond brand manager, will be taking part for the first time this year. Watch the video to see how he prepared.
Story time with Gosse- Pt.2

Story time with Gosse- Pt.2

Whilst part one focused his first race in Arizona and adapting to elevation, this time we learn all about the hardship and struggles that Gosse faces during his cross country trip in the USA - everything from long training weeks to dietary dilemmas.

Put the kettle on and clear some time, this one is worth the read!

WBP Opening Weekend Gallery

WBP Opening Weekend Gallery

It's that time of the year again, the sun has started to appear more and more, mud and snow is gradually fading. That can mean only one thing- It's bike season again! 
The Hunt for Whistler

The Hunt for Whistler

Dom, HUNT's Graphic Designer, has been fortunate enough to ride in many places others dream of, yet he still hadn't quite made it to mountain biking's most iconic resort. Whistler. 

Read all about the mindset and fears of packing it all in and heading for the unknown.

Readers Rides Special

Readers Rides Special

Throughout the years you've been sending us photos of your most precious belongings and we've been keeping a record of pretty much every bike we've seen with HUNT wheels on. We were recently going through the tons and tons of pictures and drooling over some amazing machines.

We decided to share some of our favourite ones with you

Story time with Gosse- Pt.1

Story time with Gosse- Pt.1

HUNT's larger than life Dutch cyclocross racer, Gosse Van Der Mere, recently got an incredible opportunity to compete at selected mountain bike races and travel the USA at the same time. 

Sit down, make a cuppa and read all about it so far.



The Lincoln GP is one of our favourite National A races of the calendar. The race can be won or lost on the brutal cobbles of the 16% Michaelgate Climb leading up to Castle Square, where the victor usually barely has time or energy to raise their hands from the bars to celebrate...
Biggest little bike race- Steel City DH

Biggest little bike race- Steel City DH

Running every spring since 2011, Steel City has always been a little different to your average mountain bike event, with 11 year old rippers racing against World Cup stars and World Champions, not to mention one of the largest number of female racers in the UK. 

Read more about the race, losing van keys and almost crashing into Steve Peat on a quad.

Dirty Reiver - by Elaine Burroughs

Dirty Reiver - by Elaine Burroughs

It was about the time I sold my campervan last year, that the little worm in my ear started plotting how I was going to spend the money I got for it. After all, we always need more bike stuff, it’s only the justification that takes some thought.

It’s safe to say that it didn’t take long for me to hatch both a plan, and an excuse for the plan.

2019 saw me turning 50, and in the usual panic and societally-induced need to do something stupid to mark the occasion, I found the obvious excuse...

Cotic Spring Party

Cotic Spring Party

The weather may have been against us, but regardless we had a great day in Calver, meeting new people and talking bikes. Even managed to get out for some 'test runs' over in Ladybower.

Check out all the fun in the gallery. 



Ask any strong domestic racer about the hardest one-day race on the British calendar, and the vast majority will tell you it's the Rutland GP - known now as the Rutland-Melton CiCLE Classic. Think Tro-Bro Leon crossed with punchy British climbs, and throw in (usually) some naff weather. It's Britain's Belgian Classic, and only the hardest prevail...